Sussex Academy provides an accelerated academic program for Delaware students in grades K-12.
A few of our academic highlights include:
WORLD LANGUAGE: Our students begin learning Spanish in kindergarten. Middle school students have a Spanish Language and Culture exploratory in 6th and 7th grade. In 8th grade students are enrolled in Spanish 1. In high school students have the option of continuing with up to four additional years of Spanish including Advanced Placement classes.
ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE: We offer environmental science education that begins in kindergarten through 9th grade. The program continues in grades 10-12 for students who choose to continue on an environmental science pathway.
PATHWAYS: Sussex Academy offers STEM and Humanities Pathways for our high school students. Students can select a pathway in each field or complete a variety of classes in one particular pathway field.
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) COURSES: Sussex Academy is building a program to offer several AP courses across all content areas. Our students begin taking AP courses in 9th grade.
ADVANCED MATH: Sussex Academy is working to provide students with an opportunity to take 9th and 10th grade math level classes by grade 8. The trimester schedule will provide opportunities for students to schedule AP math courses like calculus and statistics in 9th grade.
If you agree these goals are worth achieving, please join us in our important campaign efforts. Your support is deeply appreciated.