We believe that a strong arts program supports great academic achievement.
Both the Sussex Academy Elementary Campus and Secondary Campus are equipped with a stage for theatre and music productions.
The Sussex Academy Elementary School produces one show each year.
The Sussex Academy High School Theatre Program produces three shows each year. One of these productions is student-directed. Students play a role in selecting each year’s season, which consists of both plays and musicals.

Elementary school students have a preforming arts (music/theatre) class once a week all year. Students in grades 4 and 5 have an opportunity to participate in beginning band.
Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Percussion Ensemble, and Guitar are offered to middle school and high school students. History of Rock and Roll, Music Appreciation and Music Theory and Piano Lab are elective music classes made available to high school students.
Each year the Sussex Academy Music Program produces a middle/high school winter and spring concert.
The elementary school students take an art class, once a week all year.
The middle and high school visual art program is designed to assist students in becoming critical thinkers and communicators through art media. In 6th grade students focus on form and space through 2D and 3D work. 7th graders examine the elements of art with traditional media such as painting and drawing. In 8th grade students build upon their foundational knowledge by exploring new media such as printmaking and digital art.
The high school students have a wide selection of art courses, each with a unique, specific foci. Foundations of Art assists students in laying the groundwork for the creative process and idea development, as well as analysis of art. Sculpture and 3D Design allows students to master techniques in weaving, wire sculpture, and paper mache, to deepen their understanding of space, texture, and form. Drawing and Painting I & II gives practical knowledge in composition and design through traditional two-dimensional media. In Printmaking class students compare and contrast representational, abstract, and non-representational themes through printmaking techniques such as relief printing and monotype.

If you agree these goals are worth achieving, please join us in our important campaign efforts. Your support is deeply appreciated.